Whittier Health Network

Westborough Rehabilitation Hospital

, Emilia Semenov, MD, Staff Physician

Emilia Semenov, MD

Staff Physician

Specialty: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation/Neurology

Dr. Semenov’s specialty is Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation/Neurology. She received a Doctor of Medicine degree, I.M. Sechenov, First Moscow Medical School in Russia. Her internship was in Medicine-Preliminary Training Program at Carney Hospital, Boston University School of Medicine; and her residency was in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Boston Medical Center. She was Chief Resident of Neurology at the U. of Connecticut/Hartford Hospital.

Meet Our Awesome Team!

Prabhasadanam Sadhujan, MD, Staff Physician

Prabhasadanam Sadhujan, MD, Staff Physician

Whittier Health Network Westborough Rehabilitation HospitalPrabhasadanam Sadhujan, MD Staff Physician Specialty: Internal Medicine Dr. Prabhasadanam's specialty is Internal Medicine/Sleep Medicine.Meet Our Awesome Team!

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Deborah Dennison, RN, Clinical Liaison

Whittier Health Network Westborough Rehabilitation HospitalDeborah Dennison, RN Clinical Liaison Specialty: Clinical Liaison Deborah has been a Registered Nurse for over 25 years and graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University and Framingham Union School of Nursing. She...

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