Whittier Health Network

Our Team

Caring for our patients is part of Whittier Health Network’s tradition of excellence since 1982. Read about our team at our rehabilitation hospitals and skilled nursing facilities, and see first hand why Whittier Health Network is the first choice in Health Care.

Tyler Soucy, Admissions Director

Tyler Soucy, Admissions Director

Hannah Duston Healthcare CenterTyler Soucy Admissions Director Tyler has been with Whittier for 9 years beginning his career at the Masconomet Healthcare facility in 2015 as a C.N.A. while a high school student at Whittier Tech. Tyler has held multiple roles within...

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Maryanne Burke, RN, Case Manager

Maryanne Burke, RN, Case Manager

Hannah Duston Healthcare Center Maryanne Burke, RN Case Manager, Hannah Duston Healthcare Center Maryanne Burke’s desire to help people started 40 years ago as an EMT. She knew then that she could do more for her community, so she went to nursing school and got her...

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Kenia Cassemiro, Director of Activities

Kenia Cassemiro, Director of Activities

Oak Knoll Healthcare CenterKenia Cassemiro Director of Activities, Oak Knoll Healthcare Center Whittier has provided me an opportunity to grow my career. I moved from Brazil in 2001 and started working at Oak Knoll in 2007 as a CNA, and in 2009, I became the...

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Tracey Lanoue, BSN, RN, Director of Nursing

Tracey Lanoue, BSN, RN, Director of Nursing

Port Healthcare CenterTracey Lanoue, BSN, RN Director of Nursing, Port Healthcare Center Tracey attended UMass Boston to obtain her Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing and also attended Regis College/Lawrence Memorial Hospital. Tracey has served in various...

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Margaret Dumont, RN, Case Manager

Margaret Dumont, RN, Case Manager

Nemasket Healthcare CenterMargaret (Peg) Dumont, RN Case Manager, Nemasket Healthcare Center Margaret Dumont graduated from Saint Vincent’s Hospital School of Nursing in 1984 with her RN. She joined Whittier Health Network in 2020 as Clinical Nurse Manager before...

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Maria Labelle, Admissions Coordinator

Maria Labelle, Admissions Coordinator

Nemasket Healthcare Center Maria Labelle Admissions Coordinator, Nemasket Healthcare Center Maria was hired with Whittier Health Network as a CNA at Sippican Healthcare Center in 2010. In 2013, she changed roles and became the Case Manager Assistant and was cross...

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Morgan Tolman, LPN, Admissions Nurse Liaison

Morgan Tolman, LPN, Admissions Nurse Liaison

Port Healthcare Center Morgan Tolman, LPN Admissions Nurse Liaison, Port Healthcare Center Morgan Tolman is a 2014 Graduate from the UCT Practical Nurse Program in Bourne, MA. She started her career with Whittier Health Network in 2009 at Nemasket Healthcare Center as...

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Why Work @ Whittier?