Hannah Duston Healthcare Center

Patient Testimonial

Hannah Duston Healthcare best in recovery care, Kudos to Maryanne Burke and her staff for the best in recovery care.


I was here for nine days after being transferred from Mass General. The healthcare was superior. They attended to my every need. Kudos to Maryanne Burke and her staff for the best in recovery care.
—James P.

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Hannah Duston Healthcare best in recovery care, Kudos to Maryanne Burke and her staff for the best in recovery care.

We love to hear from our community and are happy to assist in your healthcare needs.

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If at any time you have urgent medical questions, please contact your primary physician, call 911 or go to your local emergency room. We cannot diagnose or treat by e-mail. Providing personal health information through this web site is not secure over the Internet so please do not share personal information. If you wish to receive care from our team, please contact your primary care physician for a referral.