Whittier Home Health Care Agency presented with the Fazzi Associates’ Patient Satisfaction Award of Distinction for Demonstrating Superior Performance in Patient Satisfaction in 2015

Based on overall patient satisfaction results for the year 2015, Whittier Home Health Care Agency has been named a national best practice agency by Fazzi Associates.

Agencies named as national best practice agencies are proven leaders and have excelled in one of the most important measures of an agency’s quality program—patient experience.  This is a significant accomplishment that we, our employees, and management are incredibly proud of

Based on a comparative analysis of agencies involved in Fazzi Associate’s HHCAHPS system for the past year, our results for the Overall Satisfaction and Likelihood of Recommending survey questions place us in the top 25% of Fazzi’s National Patient Satisfaction database.

Congratulations and thanks to our staff and management – without your dedication we would not have been recognized for this level of success!