Whittier Rehabilitation Hospital-Bradford

On Tuesday May 2, we had the opportunity to meet with representatives from Wyss Institute when they visited to show us technology that they are developing, with plans to implement them into Whittier’s programs in the future.

Wyss Institute is developing soft, wearable assistive devices for adults with limited use of their hands and arms!

The Soft Robotic Glove is a lightweight robotic glove that will assist people suffering from loss of hand motor control to restore their ability to grasp objects independently.

The majority of patients with partial or total loss of hand motor abilities, including those suffering from debilitating disorders like muscular dystrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and incomplete spinal cord injury, experience greatly reduced quality of life due to their inability to perform many daily activities. Tasks often taken for granted by the able-bodied become frustrating and nearly impossible feats due to reduced gripping strength and motor control of the hand.

Wyss Insitute is also developing the Soft Exosuit, which offers a new way to assist the elderly in maintaining or restoring their gait, in rehabilitating children and adults with movement disorders due to Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease, or to ease the physical burden of soldiers, firefighters, paramedics, farmers and others whose jobs require them to carry extremely heavy loads.

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